Population vs. Sample Standard Deviation Formula Explained
In this lesson, we will draw a comparison between the population vs. sample standard deviation formula and how to calculate the equations by hand. The standard deviation requires us to…
In this lesson, we will draw a comparison between the population vs. sample standard deviation formula and how to calculate the equations by hand. The standard deviation requires us to…
In this lesson, we will learn how to find the standard error of the mean in Excel, SPSS, and R with step-by-step examples and clear explanations. We will touch briefly…
In this statistics lesson, we will learn how to calculate multiple linear regression using SPSS and interpret multiple linear regression output in SPSS. I will also provide you with an…
Cronbach’s Alpha is a reliability test developed by Cronbach (1951) and used to measure the internal consistency of a set of dichotomous or scale questions in a survey. In other…
In this statistics lab, we will learn how to run mediation analysis in SPSS and interpret mediation analysis results so that you know precisely where to look when writing your…
In this statistics lesson, we will learn how to perform moderation analysis in SPSS using two easy-to-learn methods. The first method involves more steps but can be done without any…
In this quick guide, we will learn how to install PROCESS macro in SPSS on Windows or macOS operating systems. PROCESS is an incredibly useful statistical tool for logistic regression…
How to interpret model fit results is probably one of the most frequently asked questions whenever Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) topics pop up. Therefore I decided…